Patti was up early for a 7 AM breakfast date with three friends from high school: Barb, Frank, and Randy. The other three were living and working in Rochester where Patti grew up, so were available to get together. They had such a lovely time eating out on the outdoor patio and just sharing bits and pieces of what’s been happening in our lives. Greeting and being together with old Friends seems all the more precious this year since the separations of Covid.
Then, Patti stopped off to see Maxine in Orland, parents of her old friend Christie. Patti and Christie have been friends since they were in fourth grade. It was a delight to see her parents, who dealing with some health issues but still in the same home that Patti had visited so many times while growing up. This time is so precious!
Patti stopped briefly by the bench that had been dedicated by the family to Patti's father. The bench sits in the park across the street from the house, situated so people can watch others playing tennis on the courts he loved and used so much.
Paula came over and joined us for lunch. And then Dick and Patti‘s mom Joan worked on some sewing projects, well Patti and Paula went off to a favorite thrift store. It was a fruitful shopping extravaganza and very fun for this sisters to have a little extra time together.
Joan got our laundry done and the new clothes taken care of, did some more cooking and sewing. Then it was time for a bratwurst and corn on the cob barbecue at brother Perry’s house. He is also a great cook and we enjoyed having more family time together.
And we got in one more dog walk at the end of the day. We all appreciated having some special family time this year when it has been such a tough year.
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