Saturday, July 17, 2021

July 12, Day 27: Camp Unistar

Ann and Patti found a sweet gazebo where they were able to have several heart-to-heart private conversations during the week. This was really wonderful for both of them, having been used to seeing each other at least once or more a year. Covid had meant it had been way too long since they had had time for long  in-person talks.

The Little Free Library construction project continued. It was beginning to look more like a little house. Dick was grateful for the masterful help by Keith, and the two of them made a very good strong team. They would often come to back to the cabin covered with sawdust, however. Being a builder is sometimes dirty work.

The first two days that we were at Camp were quite low wind days, so Keith and Ann were not yet able to bring their personal sailboat from the marina to the island. Today was the day with a good wind, so around lunchtime they headed off to go pick up their boat and bring it back. 

While they were gone, Patti and Dick decided to do a couple hour hike around Lake Windigo.  This is a mile-wide lake within the larger Star Island where we were staying. The walk alternated between being hot and sticky with paths that were unclear, and then areas where the wind was blowing and wide paths.  It was all quite beautiful. Altogether, we had a great walk and totally enjoyed the flowers and the green and the surprises that would come around the various corners. There was also a significant amount of insect life on the island, including wolf spiders, dragonflies, and  damselflies.  And of course mosquitoes, deer flies, bees and other bitting bugs. Thank goodness for bug repellent!

It was fun to end the evening with a campfire beside the lake. Many of us gathered for a good conversation, and roasting marshmallows and making the sweet treat “s'mores“. These are made with roasted marshmallows, pieces of chocolate candy bar, and graham crackers made into a small sandwich. They said the name comes from wishing that you could have "some more" because they tasted so good. It was a nice time to be around a fire and chat with these lovely folks. 

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