Monday, July 9, 2018

June 30, 2018

Albuquerque, NM

The heat wave that is been moving across the country was also going strong in New Mexico. We woke up to a blue-sky hot morning. Dick decided to take a day where he would hang out at the Airbnb, get a little work done, rest a bit, and get a chance to organize photos. He spent time working on organizing several thousand photos from our Alaskan cruise. We got some really nice pictures there. The problem is always so many pictures so little time to sort through and do something with them.

Patty, and former roommate, Tomi, went off to join those in downtown Albuquerque for a march in protest of the separation of refugee children from their parents. The March was very powerful. 5000 people attended. It was a highly diverse group, with lots of powerful speakers and many, many protest signs. 

Some of the signs were very clever, and some angry, and some really touched their hearts. Tomi took extra care in creating her sign based on the Prayer of St. Francis.  It was very powerful to attend this as friends who really share the same values and concerns about these very vulnerable people in our society.
Patti made a quick trip over to visit Tomi and Hanks home and was greeted by some of their beloved rescue dogs.  And she got a tour of Hank and Tomi’s extensive backyard garden filled with wonderful plants.  Hank is so knowledgeable about the plants and all manner of things horticultural. 

And, then Dick, Patti, and Tomi went out for a late dinner at Sweet Tomatoes. Lots of fresh food, and good conversation. One of the things that both Dick and Patti believe is it is possible to keep up long-distance relationships with friends and family over a long amount of time. But, it is very helpful to periodically spend some time face-to-face in the same place getting caught up. This was a visit that allowed that to happen for Patti and Tomi who been friends since the fall of 1982 when they were roommates at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

After we got back to the Airbnb, Dick had a fascinating discussion with a fellow who arrived and was going to spend a week there at the same house. He was a graduate student who is also working at the Ice Caves near El Malpais National Monument in New Mexico,  He worked for the National Park Service. Dick was delighted at talking with him and getting questions answered and finding out a lot about areas that he has a lot of interest.

Then off to bed, because tomorrow would be another “hit the road” type of day. Albuquerque, we enjoyed the chance to come and visit.

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