Saturday, July 14, 2018

July 8, 2018
Minneapolis, MN

Sunday morning brought us to church with Randy at St. Paul Reformation Church.  Randy is the congregational president and has been very active for years in this church.  We were very pleased to see a welcoming sign right outside the front door of the church.  This congregation has been very active supporting refugees and immigrants in some very concrete ways.

The sanctuary is under a much needed construction project, so we met in the basement for a powerful service with all music done a capella.  It was great to see Randy in his element and to worship with this diverse congregation.

After lunch, we spend a lovely afternoon with our friend, Kay.  Kay has defied all odds after having severe polio as a child.  Doctors said she would be lucky to live to be 30, and she just turned 75 in April.   Health issues are a challenge for her, but we had a terrific visit which included stories from the road and an extensive tour of our yard in California via photos on the computer.  Although Patti keeps close contact with Kay throughout the year, it is always a joy to be in the same place with her.  Patti has been friends with Kay for 35 years.

We then went over to friends Flo and Scott for a delicious dinner of Moroccan chicken.  Food is always wonderfully prepared at their house, done with skill and love.  The conversation was lively with both catching up on family and friends, talking politics (a topic which it seems like we are spending at least some time with so many people during this trip), and then hearing their reflections on being fairly newly retired.  Another great time with dear friends.

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