Sunday, June 16, 2024

Day one. June 14, 2024: home in Oceanside California to a plane going over the Atlantic

Nearly everything on our to do lists was now done. We woke up and got out of bed at about 6:30 ready for basically 24 hours of travel to get us to the UK tonight.

We worked very, very hard this time to really cut down the amount of luggage that we bring. Here’s a picture of our suitcases. You will notice we have the European size extra small roller bag and a day pack each. This is how much stuff we are bringing for 5 1/2 weeks in Europe. If that freaks you out, don’t worry, we have a number of places either at Airbnb or with host families opportunity to do some laundry. So we won’t wear the same clothes without washing for five weeks. There were some hard last-minute decisions of things that got left behind and a few more that we were able to slip into our bags. The roller bag has a maximum weight of 22 pounds and we are both just shy of that. So for the people who have been worrying these last couple weeks, yes, we are entirely packed.

We also found out on this airline(Norse Atlantic) , food is not included nor drinks at all except for tap water. They offered us the opportunity to buy an airline food dinner at $30 each, which we decided to decline. Rather we picked up some sandwiches and salads and fruit at the grocery store yesterday. Lots of good food, at less than $60. So we are able to bring that on board and despite Patti’s worry, will not likely starve during this day.

We also were very surprised when we went to check in and it turns out that the level of ticket that we have bought did not include being able to bring on board a carry-on bag. We thought we were buying the tickets that allowed that but apparently had not. Well, we had two carry-on bags that we needed to get on who they were glad to put on for us for $85 each. Yikes! We also had to pay to choose seats so we could be sure to sit together. Definitely these budget airline ticket prices look great, but by the time you finish buying all of these things that would’ve used to have been included, we are not sure exactly how great of a deal it was. It was nonstop from LA, which was the big draw for us.

The shuttle arrived right on time and it was an easy for us. The drive up to LAX airport in the shuttle went without a problem. We were able to be picked up and then sat back and relaxed. It was a nice way to start the trip. In the past we sometimes parked our car at a remote lot in LA. Or we have taken the train and then bus to LAX. This was a good choice for this trip.

We got to the airport early, checked in and then had to get to a second terminal. Getting through security, always a bit stressful, then a long wait for the call for  boarding.

We boarded a 787 Dreamliner, which was our home for the next ten hours. Patti is trying a new app that is supposed to help with Jet lag. It suggested she take a melatonin to help with sleep … starting half an hour after boarding.  Not so practical. A few hours in, when we were starting to get tired, we both decided now would be a good time to take melatonin with still another seven more hours to go. Then, we proceeded to rip apart backpacks and other bags trying to find the "safe place" that Patti put the melatonin just for this time. We couldn’t find it. Both of us catnapped in and out of the night alternating with reading or watching a movie and sleeping. 787 dreamer was a great plane and so that was good and nice. But being scrunched up and trying to sleep when it doesn’t feel like the right time for your body isn’t ideal.

But we both read and slept as much as we could. Somehow day one is finished.

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