Monday, July 7, 2014

Blog Day 17 Thursday July 3, 2014

Copenhagen-  today on the schedule included “everything you haven’t seen yet,” which of course, includes all too many things.

However, with Dick being so sick, it turned into a day “off” with Patti and Willy spending some time doing family history, genealogy work on the Internet.  They spent a lot of time comparing notes and pooling their information.  It was very fun.  Dick snoozed and rested, making frequent visits to the bathroom.  Not much fun for him.

Patti and Karin went for a wonderful late afternoon walk through the neighborhood.  The focus on their walk was on identifying plants, flower and weeds.  Patti was struck by the fact that nearly all of the plants they found growing wild were the same ones she knew for growing up in MN.  The immigrants from Scandinavia had to have thought, “This looks like home” when they arrived in the Midwest, and especially in MN.  They also went by many farms and riding stables.  This is interesting because they live so near to downtown Copenhagen, but far enough out that there are farms.  One of the nicest one they saw as built in 1768.  When they talked to the owner, he shared about the home including the fact that they have a Dutch ghost, named Cornelius who has been seen in their home.  How cool is that?

The hope is that Dick will feel better enough tomorrow for a bit more of an adventure.  We are all crossing our fingers.

“I wore only black socks, because I had heard that white ones were the classic sign of the American tourist. Black ones though,- those'll fool 'em. I supposed I hoped the European locals' conversation would go something like this:

PIERRE: Ha! Look at that tourist with his camera and guidebook!
JACQUES: Wait, but observe his socks! They!
PIERRE: Zut alors! You are correct! He is one of us! What a fool I am! Let us go speak to him in English and invite him to lunch!”
Doug Mack, Europe on 5 Wrong Turns a Day: One Man, Eight Countries, One Vintage Travel Guide

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