Thursday, July 25, 2024

Day 39 July 22, 2024 London, England, to Los Angeles, California to Oceanside, California-home

We woke up before the alarm went off at 5:45. We were basically all packed and just needed to put our final things in our suitcases, have a little breakfast and we were off.

One last subway train into London, and then one more train out to Gatwick Airport. All went smoothly. We got through check in well. Security stopped us briefly to check in Dick’s beards trimming scissors. This always happens and it is always fine. And Patti’s cough syrup also caused a ruckus even though we had flown on 3 other flight without a problem. So Patti just finished the final third of the bottle so it could be thrown out.

Then we had another two hours before we were loaded on the plane. Dick used the time well to work on some photos. We got in some conversations with a couple of young women who had been greatly impacted by the Microsoft technology problem several days ago. They were scheduled to fly on the 19th and today, the 22nd was the earliest they could get on a flight. They were headed to America on holiday and were having to quickly rebook and regroup. We felt very grateful that our flight was not impacted.

The flight took off a little late, but went very smoothly. We had loaded up on lots of food to bring with us, because on these budget airlines food is not included or even beverages. Luckily we had a good bag full of sandwiches, salads, crackers and cheese and cookies. Dick got quite a few more work done on photos,  while Patti watched four different movies.

Once we knew our flight was going for sure, we booked a shuttle from LAX taking us to Oceanside. That just felt a little more doable rather than having to catch a bus, then a train. So happy to get through things at LAX without a problem and then work our way to the terminal where we caught that shuttle van headed home. It was on time and a pleasant ride to Oceanside.

We got dropped off in Oceanside right by the transit station and quickly called an Uber, which took us home. It was a long nearly 24 hours of traveling, but sure felt good to be home. We always think of the phrase the horse can smell the barn on the way home. yes, it is good to be back home again.

We realized we traveled for 39 days, stayed at 11 different AirBnB's, and with 5 Servas homes.  And all in all, there is no place that we would prefer to be living than right where we are.  What a blessing to have this confirmed.  So now, we are home for a while.  Soon, time to start dreaming of our next trip. 

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