Wednesday, August 7, 2019

July 13 Day 30 Umea

We woke up ready to explore this traditional farm. A nice breakfast and then we were off for a hike in the woods. They own a lot of property and we enjoyed walking and having sights pointed out: scat from various animals, different types of birds, and so many interesting plants. We were on the lookout for a certain type of delicious mushrooms. Patti was good at spotting mushrooms, but we only found one of the good edible kind.

We saw poop from a moose and last year’s reindeer and even a discarded reindeer antler, which we later found out was no problem for Swedish airport security, so that is coming home with us.

We got to see the huge gardens where they grew potatoes and many other vegetables. They work at being as self-sustaining as they can.

We also got to see their sheep, although the sheep were quite shy and although they came when Stig called them, they were not interested in meeting us.

In the afternoon, Dick picked up a hammer and nails and helped to work on the front porch which they were rebuilding. He knows his way around a hammer. He proved himself a willing worker.

Patti got to see and then try “The Orca” a covered electrical bike which Elena rides part way to work most days. It was amazing and a bit scary as we tried to think of riding it on gravel roads in the rain. But Elena loves it! Part of her contribution to lowering her carbon footprint.

The main event of dinner was a fish known as “smelly fish”, with the real name being Surströmming. This fish in a swelling tin can which needed to be opened outside under water in a bucket because of the chance it explodes and the oder. The smell was quite nasty since the fish had begun to rot. We both were good sports and tried a small amount, but this appears to be a food that you have to be raised with in order to eat it. We appreciated the chance to try it and now can saw "we did it."

Luckily, Elena had prepared a lot of other really tasty dishes so no one left hungry. The leftover fish went into the compost pile for the birds to eat.  They would be very happy. 

More great conversation and then off to bed.

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